How to apply lively systems principles in organisations?

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  • How to apply lively systems principles in organisations?

27 April 2023
Vilnius, Smoke Factory

This performative art and business insights session was a new format experimental event that exceeded our expectations. The integration of body movement in an event dedicated to the business environment is a rarely used way to gain new knowledge and insights. One of the strongest impressions was the opportunity to experience a lively system, in this case a brass band, from the inside: sitting amongst the musicians of the orchestra, we explored the harmony of sounds. According to the author of the idea, Rasa Baltė Balčiūnienė, the event aimed to encourage the creation of an ecosystem of organisations in Lithuania based on the principles of lively systems, where we could share knowledge, learn from each other and thus evolve.

Photos by J. Suslavičiūtė
