Educational articles

Will we keep the creative mind?

2023 01 02

Alfred Tolle (Germany)
Founder of Wisdom Together

I think in our times we are at a crossroad where we decide whether we want to be the actors of our life and our world or whether we are acted upon. Currently, technology is at a stage with artificial intelligence that enables us to do a lot of things what we haven't envisioned yet. It also makes us a passive consumer and a passive guide. So what it means is that we give our brain, our activity, our intuition, our creativity to a technology and expect that this technology will solve that.

The first step was obviously the computer when it came broadly into our society in the 70s. But then nowadays with the mobile phone and the smartphones it became even more obvious. And we saw that even though we are at an age where most of the people can tap into a huge amount of information. Our intellect and personal capacity and development is decreasing and not increasing. Which means that we are not able actually to live without a certain setting around us. So, we are giving more and more of our own capacity of potential to an outside technology and expecting this to happen and to work.

There was one study which I learned when I was working at Google. Once they asked young students or pupils at school. What would you want if you could choose? Would you want to have your taste, television or internet? And they all said first internet, then television, and then taste. So you see from the ranking that they don't understand what that means to give up your taste. It means to give up your creativity, to give up a certain kind of perception, how you perceive and interact with the world. So that means you become more and more a passive person. And if you are more and more a passive person, that means you becoming into the cycle. You becoming not an actor, you becoming a re-actor.

So the Singularity University in California, which follows the philosophy of technology and biology will merge. So in their vision is that in five to ten years everybody has a chip in his or her brain that will be run by artificial intelligence connected to all information in this world and then you will make better decisions. But what that means is that not only you can be manipulated immediately much better, but you also actually give your capacity of your connection with your inner soul back to a chip, to the cloud. Google Cloud, Amazon Cloud, Facebook Cloud, whoever this cloud owns. But that is what makes your creativity nearly not existing anymore and your creative mind is vanishing by this development.

So we are at a path right now where we can choose whether we want to have that or not. Which means, from my perspective, fighting against something is only making the opponent stronger. So, what is the alternative? And the alternative is actually to work on your own consciousness, to increase your consciousness by working in your intuition. That means there are workshops, there are retreats, there are people who can help you, but you can help yourself as well. Go to the forest, connect yourself with trees, connect your bare feet walking on a Meadow. You know, breathe consciously know that this is what you're doing.

Trying to find out when you feel uncomfortable or you feel fear, where this fear is coming from, what is the basis and the roots for this fear and has it some grounding or is that something which comes as an image from outside. If you are more reflective on yourself and you look more into yourself, deep deep into yourself and you understand yourself better, at that moment of time you're becoming more and more a creator. You're becoming more and more an active person and your creative mind is rising. And by doing so, you have an effect on your environment, on your peers, on your friends, on your family, on even a broader scale. And then community starts. And at that moment of time we are reaching a tipping point where we create an economy and a system which we want. And we're not thinking, oh yeah, we have to make compromises here in order to do a little bit there. No, we can change the whole system. We can do it at every moment of our time.