Educational articles

Why are breaks needed?

2024 04 29

Associative photo / G. Staučė

Eastern cultures have always believed that there is great power in a pause: the stronger the pause, the longer it lasts.

A strong-minded person needs a pause to see the future. Pause is necessary when it is not clear what to do: it helps to detach oneself from the clichés of the environment, from the usual stereotypes, it allows one to see an uncertain situation in a different way and to discover new functional creative solutions. Pausing prevents impulsive actions: sometimes people act just to act, to fill a void, and unfortunately they make costly mistakes. In business, such pauses avoid losses, save money and energy.

Quality break should not be confused with an ego break when we want to maintain the status quo. The ego pause is based on emotions (fear, defence) and automatic actions that do not bring the desired result. A quality pause is deliberate and calm. It is based on our body sense, our inner knowing, so some people just do it unconsciously.

The pause is an opportunity to strengthen oneself and improve one's relationship with the outside world.

Excerpt from the Leadership training programme by Rasa Baltė Balčiūnienė