Educational articles

What hinders development and growth?

2024 03 12

Photo by Giedrė Karaliūnaitė

What does it mean to develop? What does it mean to grow? One phenomenon - two words to describe it. Development is an internal process: the potential of an oak tree is 'wrapped' inside an acorn – it unravels and develops. And growth? It is visible on the outside

If we feel the need to develop, to grow, then we are ready to take on challenges. It means that we understand that the situation we will find ourselves in will be more complex than it has been so far. We grow and develop through challenges, and with each task overcome, we see the world, phenomena, or situations more intricately. The greatest challenge is daring to act. And if something doesn't succeed - daring to try again.

What lies behind the unwillingness to develop and grow?

Complexes, fear of making mistakes. We resist because we are afraid to take off our masks, so that others will not see our weaknesses. We resist because the cultural norms and stereotypes that have shaped us, making it difficult to accept new information. We resist experiences that we do not have in our memory, so sincerely believing that they are impossible.

Inner resistance also arises if, as a child, we wanted to do something more than a child can do, but we were not allowed to, and we suffered, physically or emotionally. The image that comes to mind is: "If I want more, not only will I not get it, but it will hurt".

So, in order to change something, develop, and grow in our lives, we must resolve internal conflicts, learn to accept new information, and not block it.

Excerpt from Rasa Baltė Balčiūnienė's leadership training programme