Educational articles

On the habit of "postponing" life

2024 06 04

Associative photo / V. Panavas

When circumstances change and uncertainty prevails, some people tend to whine and wait for better times. In my childhood, it was often said: "When I grow up, I will do what I want to do". One grows up, and the habit of procrastination is so deeply embedded in one's neural networks that, even in his forties, he still says: "Well, when I retire, I'll do what I want to do". And when he retires, he says: "It's too late".

So it is worth looking inward, looking for the manifestations of a life "put on hold" and, when you find them, honestly answering yourself: what were the real motives, what was the limiting factor? This is an important question to ask yourself, because the procrastination scheme is likely to be reactivated when new situations arise that require action.

What to do?

First, through self-observation, see your fixation - procrastination. Second, change the habit - take action. We don't do a lot of things because we only want to make the right decisions, because we are afraid of making mistakes. That is why it is necessary to dare to make decisions that work rather than the right ones. They will not necessarily bring the desired result, but they will "trigger" action. Life is action. It is only through action that we can understand what works and what does not work, and see new contexts. The recognition that I am not making the right decision, but the one that works, relieves the oppressive feeling of responsibility and eliminates the psychological fear of looking like a loser in the eyes of everyone.

Apparently, one fundamental error in thinking needs to be highlighted - that there can be quiet periods in life. There are no. Life is a storm - bigger or smaller. Waves. The most important thing is to learn to find your bearings and to swim where you want to go, where you want to attain. And waiting for the sea to be calm... As one graduate said after the schooling: "Now I realised that life was passing me by".

Excerpt from the Leadership training programme by Rasa Baltė Balčiūnienė