Educational articles

How to recognise intuition?

2024 04 10

Photo by Rasa Baltė Balčiūnienė

Intuition arises from the integration of conscious and subconscious processes. It is an innate human quality that rescues in difficult situations, brings deeper insights, stimulates innovation breakthroughs and leads to new future contexts.

How to recognise intuition? There are 5 signs of intuition:

- Thought, insight. It comes suddenly, without conscious effort, and only occurs once. If a thought is persistently recurring, it is not an intuition, it is a mental intention.

- Physical sensations and emotions. Feeling of warmth in the stomach area, pleasant excitement.

- Willingness to act. It is important to say yes to intuitive insight, and the desire to act comes when we are ready to act. Are the conditions right outside? This requires the ability to assess the circumstances rationally.

- Circumstances. Signals, opportunities, people, suggestions, information as an indication that the conditions are right for the idea to be realised. Seemingly unrelated events become meaningful. If favorable circumstances are not present, it may be that the time for it has not yet come, because insight can be born, and the conditions for its implementation may arise later.

- Inner knowing. The tacit knowledge that you will succeed. There is no clarity as to how it will happen, but there is an inner knowing that it will. The sense of knowing cannot be explained rationally.

Excerpt from the leadership training programme by Rasa Baltė Balčiūnienė