Educational articles

How are ideas born?

2023 03 23

Alfred Tolle (Germany)
Founder of Wisdom Together

Einstein once said intuition is a sacred gift and our cognitive ability, our intellect is a servant to that gift and we have created a society which is putting the servant, you know, in the king's position and we forgot about the sacred gift. And that is what's happening so we have to reverse that. And artists are often actually knowing that. They are sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously working with a deeply intuition.

And intuition is different, I make a differentiation and some scientists as well between intuition and gut feeling. Intuition is when you connect with yourself and yourself connects with a higher field. So there is this conscious field around us. In the quantum physics, they call it, you know, or there's one person, Erwin Laszlo, he calls it a Psi field. In this field, there is no kind of, there is no time and space. In this field, there is everything there simultaneously. But here comes the thing.

So it's not only about that you just let go and feel and then you think something will emerge. It has to do with work. And work means, and that is a study that came with that, on Nobel Prize winners. How did they come to their ideas? And it's really also about working with it, getting knowledge and deeply understanding what you want to look for. And then at a certain point of time let go and then tapping into your intuition. And then your intuition connects to a field which connects to your knowledge which you worked on for a long time and that combination creates a new idea, a new solution or something which is really unique. And some people do that consciously, some unconsciously.

I don't believe that it's just like I'm laying back and something is coming through me and going into this world. It's really about if you look what these artists or architects or scientists, what they do, they work very hard until they come to a point when they really let go and then intuition comes into play and then all the things come together and then it's really there and then work starts. So it's not like, oh, here it is and now I can relax, no. Then it's about understanding what came out, what emerges out of this process and then bringing that into the world, that is a process, and that is hard work, but it has a lot to do.The main thing is connecting with your intuition, what you are here for, what your purpose is, how you are interconnected with others, and not only with humans, but with all living species, and then connecting that with your cognitive abilities, and that bringing into this world. These are the three steps that make an idea a unique one and something which is revolutionary.